Nov 19, 2018

Gratitude On the Job: 3 Reasons To Give Thanks

Gratitude On the Job: 3 Reasons To Give Thanks


The holiday season officially starts this week, bringing families together and exercising expressions of gratitude. But that sense of thankfulness doesn’t always have to be reserved solely for family and friends. As a business owner, you have the opportunity to say “thank you” in a number of ways to the many people who keep your business up and running. From philanthropy to small gifts, the possibilities are endless. So before you sit down to that Thanksgiving dinner and begin to carve that turkey, here are some points to consider when it comes to showing appreciation to those who help you everyday.


It’s a celebration of your own success and those a part of it.

When you say “thank you,” to those around you, you’re acknowledging your own accomplishments, while commending them for their help. Oftentimes we forget just how far we’ve come in our business, leaving those around you feeling as if there have been no milestones to celebrate. Gestures of thanks show that yes there have been wins and yes they are a part of them. This can be holiday bonuses (for staff), company luncheons, or even a fruit basket. This applies to employees and even independent contractors who keep your operations going. Outside agencies that handle payroll, accountants, lawyers, vendors, and financial advisors are among the others that can fall into this gratitude pool.


It builds client loyalty.

Considering clients pay you for your business, a thank you here is pretty vital. There are reasons beyond the financial exchange that happens when you’re compensated for services. For one, it lets them know that they are more than just a stream of money for you. In the business world, we are very rarely tethered to just one sole client or customer, and everyone is aware of that. By showing individual gratitude, you’re singling them out for making your business better and making them feel special for it. From a personalized thank you note to special holiday discounts for services, this also strengthens their loyalty to you and your business.  


It heightens your community visibility.

When it comes to a local business of any kind, your community is all you have at times. It’s the place where you turn to for help in running operations and the same place where you seek out potential clients. Servicing that community and showing that you care is an integral part of running a business. A thank you is very necessary. This can be anything from participating in a holiday toy drive for kids, holiday food drive for those in need, or even leading local clean up efforts to make your community shine as you enter into the new year. This not only builds your karma chips by paying it forward, but it also lets your community know that you’re here and thankful for it.

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R M Zalatimo
R M Zalatimo
Inspire. Empower. Transform. Those are the words that NYC Wealth Innovator, Russ Zalatimo, lives by. From tips on leadership, self-help, and growing entrepreneurship Zalatimo provides the trade secrets to leading a well-rounded life.